Monday, April 5, 2010

Inspired by Me

I love magazines. At last count our household gets 27 subscriptions. Yes, its a lot for our mailbox (and mail carrier) to take, but to me they are essential.

The mags aren't just a read once or twice, pile on the coffee table and discard in a month type of deal. I use them to breathe a little life into my everyday.

My obsession started when I was 12. I used to cut out words, not pictures, and tape them to the front of my writing notebooks. The words inspired me to write and sparked countless ideas for my short stories. This process continued through college, when I finally transitioned from cutting words to cutting pictures. I created notebooks full of inspiring shots, sorted by mood, color, label, celebrity, trend...anything you could think of. I still keep all of my old notebooks and look through them every once in a while. They help me remember a time in my life when I was full of creativity and vivacity.

My notebooks have now transitioned to wall art. Seasonally I sit down and churn out a mood board. The process is much more organic than it used to be. I simply put up photos that jump out at me. Here is the board I created last weekend and my Winter board:

These boards showcases a wide range of things from my love of books and aviator sunglasses, to my desire to own a home, visit NYC and watch Twilight for hours on end. Each time I look at the board I feel jolted - in a good way. These are pictures and ideas I love to surround myself with.

Do you have a "mood" or "inspiration" board? What sparks your creativity?


  1. I love this! Just bought some new magazines this month-It's becoming an obsession! You have a great display of them here! Good job! Brilliant:)

  2. Thanks Vic! Yes, magazines can quickly become an obsession. I hope you find your inspiration in them! :)
